Vallecitos Stage Station

Project Name: Vallecitos Stage Station
Project Owner: County of San Diego Parks & Recreation
Project Location: Anza-Borrago Desert
Year Completed: 2021

Project Description

Vallecito Stage Station built in 1852 at the edge of the Great Colorado Desert. It was an important stop on the first official transcontinental route, serving the San Diego-San Antonio (‘Jackass’) mail line (1857-1859), the Butterfield Overland Stage Line, and the southern emigrant caravans. Over the years MSC has executed several projects at this historic adobe (sod) stage station. This project was the reconstruction of a section of wall that fell. Our team gathered the fallen adobe to use as part of the reconstruction. Replacement adobe block and soil was imported from Arizona and the wall was rebuilt. The wood window was reinstalled in the same location as before the wall fall.  The new adobe block was woven into the two corners. The salvaged wood header beam was reinstalled and new deep epoxy anchors were installed vertically through the roofing members, beam and into the adobe wall. New deep epoxy anchors were installed at each corner.